Design construction and cost estimation of farm structures

Design construction and cost estimation of farm structures - My E Blackboard

Design construction and cost estimation of farm structures is very first step before building any structure on far. Cost is one of major factor for any building construction. Excessive cost may result in complete closing of the project.

During initial stages, drawing a rough sketch of building and calculating approximate cost from building area or volume of material used is sufficient. But in final design stage, when farmer is willing to decide whether constructing building is feasible or not, a more detailed cost analysis based on actual cost of all materials should prepare.

Wages for labours should also take in account while making final estimate. Foundation for poles and columns, gravel, sand, concretes for flooring, Number of bricks and quantity of cement and sand for mortar and plaster for constructing walls, Quantity of roof material, Roofing nails etc may list out for detailed cost estimate. Wastage of materials must also take in account.

The cost of far buildings such as farm house, animal housing, storage building etc can be expected to be repaid in terms of improved health of people, animals working on farm, reduce storage losses and overall improved work performance of manpower.

Cost of residence building are expected to be repaid in terms of good environment, covenience and appearance they provide.

Cost of building mean total cost of building over whole life of that building. It includes cost of construction, and operating and maintenance cost too. Other cost are cost of building material, construction labors, consultancy fees etc.

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