Environmental control systems and their design

Environmental control systems and their design - My E Blackboard

Environment is a wide term and often defined as ‘surroundings’, anything that surrounds us. Thus the environment includes all other surrounding entities (living and non-living elements). Here all living/biotic elements are plants, forests, animals etc and non-living/abiotic elements includes sunlight, air, land etc.

People from different working fields use the word environment differently. In this course, Environment has meaning related to surrounding climatic conditions to animals i.e. temperature, humidity, air, sunlight etc. Animals in particular environment are affected by the weather/ climatic factors in that environment.

Within animal or poultry housing, enough sunlight, airflow, ventilation etc is needed to maintain proper environmental conditions which are essential for optimum growth of livestock.

Agricultural engineer should design an environmental control system in such a way that this design will be capable to meet the animal’s requirements for temperature, humidity and other environmental parameters. During designing, he should also consider to control dust tolerance levels, various gases and odour concentrations too.

Following points may consider for proper designing of environmental control systems.

  • Environmental parameters listed above may set according to different growing stages of animals and birds.
  • Enough ventilation is required to keep odors below an objectionable level.
  • Installed environmental control systems should check at regular interval of time to ensure its proper functioning and corrective actions should implement if required.
  • The design of building should also consider while the design of environmental control systems.
  • Building shape and orientation can influence the interior temperature by varying the proportion of surface area exposed to direct solar radiation.
  • Heat flow through all parts of building and all building materials can be calculated if all heat sources are identified.

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