Bag storage is one of the most common storage in many countries. Grains after threshing usually stored in 50-100 kg capacity jute bags. Sometimes woven plastic bags of 25-30 kg are also used.
Depending on the size of storage, stack is then formed. If the bags are stored in a multi-purpose farm shed or at farmer’s house, care should be taken that rats could not damage the bags. For this, a raised platform equipped with rat guard structures may be used.
Following points should consider before using bag storage.
- The stack of Jute bags should not form higher than 4m. In case of plastic bags stack height should limit up to 3 m as these bags are more slippery.
- Bags should be stacked under roof, shed or under waterproof tarpaulins.
- Approximate gap of 1m should left in between and around the stack. A clearance of 1.5 m should keep between top of stack and roof.
- To avoid any possibility of moisture absorption by bags, Bags should always be stacked above ground level or on wooden pallets.
- Bags should be stacked in such a way that fumigation operation can perform easily.
- There should be easy sweeping the floors, easy inspection for rodents and insect infestation and easy counting of the bags.
- Some farmers store the bags in granaries separately constructed for storage. Such entire structure should be moisture proof.
- Large size doors and ventilators should be provided to the structure.
- Ventilators fitted with wire netting and shutters should be provided to the bagged storage structure.

Picture courtesy: Er. Niraj Mishra, Scientist, Department of Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering. IGKV, Raipur (CG)
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