Farmstead Planning

Farmstead Planning - My E Blackboard

Farmstead planning in its simplest way is to plan everything before building farmstead. Farmstead is the limited area of farm which is center of all farming activities and should be situated at center of farm and at elevated land on farm. Farmstead comprises livestock production facilities, its management, various animal shelters, grain and fodder storage units, farm residence, equipment/implement shed, workshop etc.

Planning is most important step before execution any work. It is process of thinking related activities and refining some steps to achieve desired goals. Planning a farmstead is first activity and by planning, actual execution of building farmstead with desired facilities is become easy process.

One must have sound plan before developing farmstead because well designed farmstead serves its purpose in more meaningful way. If someone plans to build new farmstead or improve/ expand existing farmstead, he should consider number of factors before actual construction.

While planning the farmstead, future extensions of agricultural buildings should also think. Planning is also important while estimating budget of the overall work. Proper site selection for farmstead is also of prime importance. For efficient management, farmstead should locate at center of farm or in the middle of long farm.

For developing farmstead; land with good drainage is preferred and should locate near the water source. Some other factors such as 1) Which crops will grow on farm 2) How much area will require for animal housing? 3) What should be area of farmhouse? 4) Which equipment and machinery required at various buildings at farmstead 5) What is proper spacing between different types of agricultural buildings etc should consider before planning farmstead.  

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