Farm structures and Environmental Control-Scope of the course

Farm structures and Environmental Control-Scope of the course - My E Blackboard

Rural population is now days aware about better rural structures and services. The structures constructed for farming related activities are also of prime importance and to construct these at farm, one need sufficient knowledge and special technical guidance.

Traditionally such farm buildings were constructed with no or lesser improvements, in many cases without technical knowledge and often with expensive way. By proper planning and guidance these drawbacks can avoided. 

Rural structures (residence buildings as well as farm buildings such as grain storage, animal shelters etc) are important to consider in integrated rural development programme. This subject EPE 5321 “Agricultural structures and Environmental control” is primarily focused on different types of farm structures (including farm house) and techniques of Environmental control in those structures for efficient farm operations.

Knowledge of this subject EPE 5321 ‘Agricultural structures and Environmental Control’ is essential to Agricultural Engineer graduate and also in overall agricultural education system to assist the farming community in raising their living standard and enhancing farming efficiency by constructing need based proper farm structure.

Agricultural Engineer graduate should also have thorough knowledge of farm structures regarding livestock production and climate factors as these are necessary to design the proper farm structure. In addition, it is desirable for Agricultural engineer to be familiar with the complete list of building materials, types of construction etc.

They should also able to consider most appropriate equipment regarding environmental control of farm buildings. By knowing this, it will possible to construct well designed farm buildings with good environment so that efficient and economical farm operations will possible on farm site. Lastly, use of local materials which are enough durable can be considered in constructing farm structures so that input cost can be saved without compromising the quality of farm building.

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