Engineering properties of biological materials
Engineering properties of biological materials Before understanding what is mean by engineering properties of biological materials, imagine you are designing a dryer to dry grains […]
Post Harvest Engineering of Horticultural Crops
Engineering properties of biological materials Before understanding what is mean by engineering properties of biological materials, imagine you are designing a dryer to dry grains […]
Packhouse is building constructed to facilitate receiving, precooling, grading and packing fresh fruit and vegetables prior to distribution to market. Packhouse can be constructed at […]
What is the difference between chilling and freezing of food? Chilling of food and freezing of food are widely used terms in food preservation subjects. […]
Blast chillers are used for chilling of food. Inside blast chillers, food material is arranged on trays and chilled air has blown by fan resulting […]
Title: Acquaintance with different postharvest and food processing equipment and machinery used in postharvest technology of horticultural crops. Postharvest machines/food processing equipment are used for […]
Blanching is a cooking process in which fruits/vegetables are immersed in hot water, removed after a short time and put into iced water to halt […]
Peeling of fruits and vegetables While processing, fruits and vegetables are introduced to several operations (which are also known as unit operations) and finally an […]
Horticulture deals with garden crops such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, culinary herbs and spices, beverage crops, medicinal, aromatic plants as well as ornamental plants. The […]
Horticultural crops includes fruits, vegetables, plantation crops, spices, flowers etc. India has witnessed increase in horticulture production over the last few years. Fruits and vegetables […]